Ice banks are thermal energy accumulators widely used in the dairy industry for milk receiving and pasteurization processes. The ice that is produced in the coils allows to supply water to the processes at +/- 32 °F. They usually operate with flooded ammonia and Vilter piston or screw compressors. They are ideal for working with processes with strong thermal load variations and allow operation for several hours with the compressor out of service while accumulated ice is consumed.
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Ice banks compared to direct water cooling systems (chillers) have a lower consumption of electricity since they are designed to generate ice during the time that there is no process in the plant. In the dairy industry it is usual to manufacture ice in the evening hours and be consumed during the day with the processes of milk reception and pasteurization.
Due to their design, ice banks absorb in a better way thermal load variations during the peak hours of the processes or when they present simultaneity. It is possible that the ice load is consumed in a shorter time but the cooling system can operate immediately to recover the adequate ice load to maintain the processes.